Sunday 4 January 2009

Juventutem News 2008

Last summer has been a busy time for Juventutem with our presence at the International Eucharistic Congress in Québec in June, followed with our intense programme at World Youth Day in Australia in July.

In July as well, Juventutem England (YCA) held a well attended retreat at Douai Abbey, Berkshire.

In August, Fr de Malleray was in Madrid (Spain) again where he visited various places of interest in the perspective of WYD 2011.
In October there was a successful Juventutem meeting in Christchurch, New Zealand with Bishop Basil Meeking and Rev Bill Define, Regional Superior of the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter.

In October as well, Juventutem members from various country including Italy, Switzerland, The Netherlands, France and Ireland took part in the ceremonies of the twentieth anniversary of the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter. David Oostveen and Cosimo Marti represented the Bureau of the Federation in their capacity of Secretary and Treasurer respectively.

This very month, on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, Juventutem Rome (Italy) welcomed Cardinal George Pell as he came to the FSSP personal parish church Santissima Trinità dei Pellegrini to offer a pontifical high Mass on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. On the same day, Juventutem Italia attended a musical meditation on the Holy Rosary.

This month again has been announced the release of a CD with the music and chant recorded during the Juventutem liturgies at WYD 2008 in Australia.
During Advent, Christmas cards have been sent by the Bureau of the Federation to all the members (at least those who make sure they send us their updated contact details) and to our benefactors.

In the meantime, the Federation has received applications from two new prospective groups. Following this, we are glad to announce you of the foundation and affiliation of “Juventutem Londrina” in Brazil and of “Juventutem Czech-Slovakia”. Please visit them on . Contacts have been made with potential members in Asia (other than Juventutem Hong Kong). A further application from Ancona in Italy has recently reached us and is currently being examined. On this matter, it should be reminded that the name “Juventutem”, as related to youth activities linked with the Extraordinay Form of the Roman liturgy, morally belongs to the International Juventutem Federation and should therefore be used only with its approval. The reason is that the founders of the Federation are the same ones who chose the name “Juventutem” and started the movement in Spring 2004.

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