Monday 19 July 2010

SSPX Bp. Fellay claims Pope Benedict says the TLM privately

The English is rough and ready in the following but the meaning is crystal clear!

Pope Says Mass Privately Says Bishop Fellay

Bishop Fellay says, " the Holy Father celebrates the old Mass privately" and that an Italian Bishop has said he will leave the Church if he celebrates it publicly. Bishop Fellay said this in a speech at the 2010 priestly ordinations.

( Pope Benedict XVI. And his secretary George Gaenswein celebrate the old Mass. This is according to the General Superior of the Society of Pius X, Bishop Bernard Fellay, in a speech in the 8th of July in the Brazilian city of Bahia. [I wonder if the Holy Father also serves at his secretary’s Mass. That would not surprise me in the least. He is the sort of humble fellow who would do such a thing.]

You can listen to the speech on the page ‘’ under user ‘fbmvm’.

This celebration will not be done because of inner-Church resistance against the old Mass.Msgr Fellay also mentioned in his talk an example of the battle against the Roman Rite.At a priest conference in Italy reported a priest, that his bishop had threatened to leave the church if the Pope ever publicly said the old Mass. [Arrivederci, Eccellenza Reverendissima!]

Msgr Fellay: "The Bishop leads a war against the old Mass."

Simultaneously, he sees a line of good Bishops and priests, At least the heart is in the right place said Bishop Fellay about Benedict XVI., that he has a Catholic heart and loves tradition, but suffers from a progressivist understanding.

Benedict XVI. is trying to save the Vatican Council at any price.

The Bishop also said that part of the Roman Curia and the neoconsevative led State-Secretariat have torpedoed traditional initiatives of the Pope. As an example the Bishop described the traditionally restored Trappist Abbey of Mariawald in the German Alps. The Pope had already permitted them to return to the old discipline and liturgy. Actually the secretary of State has intentionally set the Decree aside. [I believe that.]

Indeed the Bishop sees also that there are a great number of Prelates in the Curia who are well-disposed to the Society Pius X. In the Cathedral of St. Peter’s there are 20 old Masses celebrated daily. [Maybe not 20 every day, but there are quite a few.]

Three Examples for the Decline

Finally, Msgr Fellay illustrated the decline of the Church since the Vatican Council with a few examples. He cited a chancellor of the Diocese of Trier. He has made known that 80% of the priests in the diocese deny the real presence of Christ in the Host. [I doubt that.] In the Diocese Langres in north-east France every priest is entrusted with 60 parishes. [60? Prove it.]

In the United States the number of religious men and women have shrunken to 10% of their original numbers. [That can’t be right.] has the details.

And remember: Benedict XVI is the Pope of Christian Unity!
(H/t to Fr Z from WDTPRS - Fr. Z's comments are in red).

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